How I think: Thursday, June 2, 2016

Rubix cubes floating across outer space
synapsis” by Leo Grübler is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Questions are a window into the mind. Here are my questions today:

  1. What is perceived as more valuable: a 28 page PDF with tutorials or a 100 page PDF with tutorials?

    • Bob Bly says that electronically delivered books need to have 10x more information than physical books to get the same price point.
    • The trend is for copy to be short.
  2. When will email be dead and what will replace it?

  3. What can finance teach marketing?

    • Where do financial concepts overlap with marketing concepts?
    • Could finance and marketing be two sides of the same coin?
  4. Is rel=me transitive on Google, Yahoo and Bing?

    • What will the future use of rel=me be?
    • When will there be a rel=me for companies so that our B2B marketing databases can do things like connect to all of its related domains?
  5. How does my environment influence me?

    • What triggers are influencing me?
    • How do I encourage others to give me feedback? I tried this survey.

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